Sili-Tex: Performance You Can See
Take an up-close, detailed look at just how durable Sili-Tex Leather, our silicone-based textile, really is. Discover award-winning scratch-resistance, bleach-cleanability and more.
Our Materials Manifesto
We've built our textiles program—and our brand—on the firm belief that customizing your chair should, above all, be incredibly easy.
Explore Our Collections
Welcome to your one-stop textile shop. Choose from 1200+ carded options with 2, 5 and 10 day lead times.
Meet Our Partners
All the best brands—all under one roof. We've teamed up with every major textile manufacturer in the industry.
COM Made Easy
Let's break it down. From easy-to-fill-out forms to a virtual yardage calculator, we're serious about making custom orders a cinch.